Sunday, August 23, 2009

the Parameter & Recursion

Some brilliant mathematician once tried breaking down problems, problems into simpler fragments. Fragments that closely resembled the original problem yet were different. They were intutively easier and smaller yet pragmatically it didnt solve the purpose unless this was repeated till eternity. In the process a concept more popularly called as "recursion" evolved.

Contemporary to this mathematician was a philosopher, famous for his views on success and happiness. He tried putting his own problem into variables and equations. As it is said that an analytical mind eventually turns philosophical and vice-versa. So it was here that we saw two mighty schools of unrelated thoughts merging. An "Attempt" to view this problem analytically. An "attempt" to model this happiness-success cumbursome equation with sets of variables and algorithm.

Logically the first question one might ask is the validity of defining emotions by variables. Quantifying the unquantifyable. Let's assume this as an axiom for now.

The model seems apprently trivial and absolutely error free when philosophy uses mathamatics. It is yet another recursive function with yet another regular variable called desire and confidence. Just as a recursive function needs a special condition to get out of the "Loop" so does a human to get out of the vicious loop of distress and failure or never ending pursuit of happiness.

To put it more objectively, a failure causes distress which depending upon parameter (confidence and desire) leads to another failure. Failure causes the parameters to change, generally it devastates the confidence and desire. on the other hand, a success causes happiness which comes back to it recursively developing the parameter causing yet another variable to proliferate called arrogance.

As it would be evident to any logical entity this model is explosive and unstable to the core. The only way to keep it stable is to abate the desire and confidence on a succes and boost the same on a failure (a fact generally unheard).

Where does this lead us to ? Confusion.

Perhaps not!

Probably we just solved the equation. We just proved that succes must accompany modesty and failure with an ardous zeal to strike back. This probably is the only way to keep the system stable and kicking !!

An idea worth giving a thought at least!!