Friday, March 27, 2009

The Screw that was stuck

apologies to Henry James

Part 1

Life had been pretty prototype for last few months and it seemed nothing was more than ordinary. The screw was stuck. You eventually realize its the twist that is important & no damm amount of push or a pull can turn the course.

Its gonna be Saturday in few moments and it all began last Saturday.

The show day. Everything was fine

Saturday Night:
The night I had been looking forward to got so screwed ..... well that now seems like a million years ago but yeah sad night .....

A phone call and everything goes upside down. Fear ... and that's all i remember
You suddenly feel utterly helpless and you hate it when you have got nothing to do about it.
The sudden urge to just get to that place.... even if it was a thousand kilometers away.... just to steal one glance...... You realize it wont be sane to go all alone you pack your bags and get ready

Someone tells you.... you gotta wait.... wait for a day that's all.... you listen and sustain the turnmoil

Open house and bla bla bla its like who cares ......
loud cries all around and its almost a cry from your mouth as well....

You have a rough day ahead ......
campus on rocks thats all i remember

Sunday night:
You chill out.... The screws keep working and they screw up big time this time

no classes you just run around the whole day
Nukad attempt bla bla and fast forward

Tuesday morning 5 AM:
Ideological clashes
and yeah rough ones
yeah but when its friendship for so long it really isnt important

Totally SCREWED!!

And then began "The Journey" a journey that turned the screw.....